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The Rebuilding Phase

The Lord has me studying the restoration period of the temple. In March 2024, I had a dream about a building that was a combination of stone (black) and wood (brown) on the outside. We stood marveling at the outside and a sign, and someone said, “It's been a long time coming.” I assumed this was in reference to my business. 

But, as I'm studying, Ezra 6 mentions an uncovered scroll that gave instructions for rebuilding the temple. It was a combination of stone and wood! I’m instantly reminded of the dream I had in March. 

As I read this is what I received in my spirit for the people of God: 

We are entering a rebuilding phase. But this time, it will be one solely for God. We can not build without God's specifications. If we dig deep, it shall be uncovered, and it shall be revealed. He is not withholding, He's beckoning us to go deeper. Many have been in a period of silence. What felt like a isolation and desolation. It has felt as such because there has been so much “death”. Death to things that get in the way of God’s ordained purpose. He has placed many of us in a slumber, so that He could do His work. The stillness was so purposeful. Many have been forced to mourn their perceived realities. Mourn the fact that what we wanted and have worked for is no more. Many were stripped to the bare bones. But, count it all joy. For the period of restoration is here. But this time it will be different. It will be greater. 

Ezra 6:4 says, "The cost is to be paid from the royal treasury (the king's house).” He shall provide every need and provision and ensure that which is for Him is established by and funded for His house!! 

InMarch of 2022, I had a dream about receiving checks.

"Just like how we receive stimulus checks and the envelope would read "from the Department of the U.S Treasury"? There was an envelope that said, "Treasury of Abraham, Isaac, and Moses." Inheritance is coming. " He shall provide! A sudden release of financial provisions is coming— a miraculous release. Refrain from limiting how it will come. In Ezra, the Lord used the Persian government to fund His holy work. They were a polytheistic empire, so it was customary for them to fund religious construction to promote polytheism. This included the Jews and temple construction. So, while the Persians didn't practice their beliefs, they were used to ensure God's purpose went forth. 

“And everything that was stolen, displaced, removed from its royal place, robbed from the Holy temple shall be returned to its rightful place”. Restoration is coming to the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Everything that trauma tried to crush... everything rejection tried to stifle.... everything the enemy stole is returning to its rightful place. And with its return comes FIRE! The period of desolation is coming to an end. The ruins are being restored. Gone are the days of doubt and uncertainty. God is raising up a people who are sure, who are bold, who are determined. God has taken the fragments of their hearts and used them to stir holy reverence within. And as a result, the fire of God shall burn and give the stamina needed to do greater works. And it shall all be to the glory of God. 

Pioneers, He's releasing you to build. To re-establish the temple. This is a call to repentance, a call to turn back, or turn to! REBUILD THE TEMPLE. So, that we may be as arrows shot out, hitting every target intended for. 

This next phase of building or re-establishing will be built on and by God. 

Matthew 7:24-25 TPT

[24] “Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation.  [25] When the rains fell and the flood    came, with fierce winds beating upon his house, it stood firm because of its strong foundation." 

What is built shall be built to last. But, count up the cost. It can not be built haphazardly, but with strong conviction, to the exact specifications given. Wait for His specifications so that it reflects His glory. There is a strong urge to examine the heart for hidden idols, including the idol of comfort. We are entering an era when we will be building in intense conditions, not those of old, but if we are not fully sure Who God is and Who we are, we will lose sight of what we have been called to. We will squander time and provisions, we will compromise the vision for the satisfaction of idolatrous fulfillment. 

In Haggai chapter 1, the Word of the Lord came and chastised the people for spending more time satisfying their proclivities than fulfilling God’s assignment. They ensured they were more comfortable than obedient. The Word came through the prophet Haggai that it was time to rebuild. The Lord said that it was His doing that caused the people to labor in vain, to sow, but reap little, to eat and never be satisfied, to drink and never be filled, to earn wages and they be stored in a purse/pocket with a hole in it.

Many have experienced this very thing. But, we will do as the Lord instructed. With the examination of the heart, must come crucifying of the flesh - daily. We must ensure that what we do has everything to do with God. It is our responsibility to relinquish with grace, the things God has called of us to release - people, places, and things. Search our hearts, Oh, God!

And to those physically building, it shall be a House of Prayer and a refuge. Many will seek it. Don't get caught up in the name-calling and the pull towards fame and notoriety. Maintain your posture of humility, knowing they are seeking the Light. It radiates and attracts. So, always be His resemblance. Remain on the altar. Keep your heart before Him as the enemy crouches at the door seeking a chance and opportunity to enter. You have experienced people and events that were used to destroy, discourage, and deter you from birthing what's already inside. But the Lord is giving a momentum to not only catch up, but to produce everything He purposed. You shall carry to full-term and deliver! It shall hold a greater portion of His glory. Dwell not in the past, for your latter is greater and it is now. That which has been prophesied is coming forth. 

Be vigilant. Everyone coming is not Godsent. In Ezra 4:1-3 the enemies heard the exiles were rebuilding and went under the guise of being “like them”. They attempted to partner, pretending to be seekers of God, when they were enemies of God. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. They're not coming to help but to hinder. Be careful who you partner with in this season. Don't be flattered by their influence and prosperity. Build alongside those the Lord has made clear are assigned to you. Also, be careful of those who come seeking information. There is a heavy “launch” of monitoring spirits. People from your past shall present as aids but can be used to monitor and ultimately pray against what the Lord has given instruction to. Be selective. The Lord will make evidently clear those who are assigned to you moving forward. If unsure, don’t share until it is made clear. And avoid using the sense of familiarity as a guide. Discernment is key. 

And don't be surprised if they attempt to launch lies, darts, and daggers to cause frustration and discouragement. You can do it without them because you have God. Therefore, you have everything you need. Don't let mammon pull you from purpose. The Lord shall supply all of your needs according to His riches and glory. What is needed, what is necessary, will be provided. I can hear the whispers, “I can finance your plan.” “without my funding, you won't succeed.” Don't listen to such foolishness. You don't need the backing of the world for God's plan. 

The Lord is continuously standing in the gap, to be a gatekeeper, the watchman of our souls. To keep us from the danger that lurks. He is our Protector. Remain seated before Him. Don't move from your position. He shall be a lamp unto our footsteps and a light unto our paths. Stay with Him. Don't rush ahead. Don't lag behind. But I declare that we will remain within stride with Him, covered and carried by His grace. 

When He moves you into rooms of great men, remember who you are and Whose you are. He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. So, we have the mind of Christ and shall move and build in boldness. 

We will also be discerning. Every person and thing that calls your name will not be from God. Some are sent as distractions, others to completely derail. Be vigilant. The enemy is often an alluring attraction, appealing to the pride of life, the lust of the eye, or the lust of the flesh. Test every spirit by qualifying if it appeals to any of these listed above. May we be renewed daily, and a right spirit set forth so as not to be lured away from purpose, detained by the enemy through “open doors”. And may we be gifted the boldness to deny!!! To deny the enemy access and to deny snares presented as opportunities. 

This shall not be done by power or might but by the Spirit of the Living God. We are vessels, we are servants, we are His prophets; the chosen sons and daughters who are called to prophesy. Remember you are the conduit, not the Source. His Spirit shall flow through you. Be open and willing to be used for His glory.

So, may we decrease, as we give God clearance to increase within us. We clear the way, laying aside every weight and sin that easily ensnares us. That we may run with endurance the race set before us. 


Lastly, on July 13th, I had a dream of being shackled/handcuffed; bound by my hands and feet awaiting an appointment. There was an anticipation of release. There was a knowing that the appointment was moved, but no grievance accompanied the rescheduling, just a knowing that I'd be held until the time of appointment. 

It isn't the enemy that has restrained or restricted you, but the grace and mercy of God. There is a set time for divine appointment. And until that time comes, the Lord has restricted you. Wait well. The period of “holding” is for pruning, a great cutting away. It's accompanied by loss, but not without purpose. Trust Him in the release, relinquish with grace. 

Rest, but be a steward of “small” tasks or the things capable and assigned within your ability of functionality. It's building endurance, stamina, and refreshing. For on the day of release, you shall run with the horses. Can you sense it? Many can. There's this constant stirring in the belly. A knowing and an anticipation that there is something on the horizon. I see a warrior with a quiver full of arrows and bow in hand standing on a hill over a city. The people of God are the arrows. The launch date is approaching. But if launched before the target is within sight, it shall fall flat. “Wait, wait, I say… on the Lord”. 

May the fire of the Lord begin to burn uncontrollably in your belly. May you burn with great purpose and a knowing and assurance of who you are and for what purpose you have been ordained. May you get postured, and ready for launch. And I declare that every arrow shall hit its target. In Jesus Name. 



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Writing has always been a passion of mine. From writing my own stories as a child to publishing my first book in 2019, writing has been a huge part of my life. 

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